Mission Statement: The Heart of Winooski Foundation funds projects and programs that uplift our school community and empower students to change their world for the better.

FAQ – The Heart of Winooski (HOW) Foundation: Why invest in Winooski schools?

Our Goal: Our schools are the heartbeat of our community. The HOW Foundation was established both to fund projects and programs that encourage excellence in education and to close opportunity gaps for the most vulnerable students in Vermont. We collaborate with our community to achieve our goals.

How are we funded? We are a registered non-profit 501(c)(3) organization organized to support and enhance education in the Winooski School District. We depend on gifts from people, foundations and corporations. 

What projects and programs do we support? Our current priority is diversifying the workforce at the Winooski School District. As one of the most diverse school districts in the state of Vermont, we know the importance of having a workforce that reflects the demographics of the students we serve. We are working towards diversifying our workforce in an equitable way, expanding recruitment and outreach, as well as offering assistance to those seeking licensure.

How can I help? By making a tax-deductible gift to the Heart of Winooski Foundation by check, cash or electronic payments. We can also accept stocks, charitable trusts, bequests and donated assets. Please Email us for more information. We look forward to joining forces on this vital project. 

Heart of Winooski Foundation Board Members
George Cross, Winooski community representative
Shristy Pradhan, Student representative
Kassian Prior, WSD alumni representative
Savanna Bechard, WSD staff representative
Tul Niroula, WSD staff representative
Jim Duncan, City of Winooski representative
Steven Berbeco, WSD School Board representative
Sean McMannon, WSD Superintendent (HOW President)
Nicole Mace, WSD Finance Manager (HOW Treasurer)
Gabby Hora, WSD Communication and Development Director (HOW Secretary)